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Friday, May 1, 2020

'CPTC' Question paper of 3rd Sem (2019)

Question bank of CPTC 
 Sub Code: - 1600302
Time : 3Hrs
Sem. III / CSE 
C.P.T ā€˜Cā€™ 
Full Marks : 70
 Pass marks : 28
1. Choose the most suitable answer from the following options: - (1*20=20)

(i) Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable name ?
 (a) * (Asterisk )
 (b) | (Pipeline )
 (c) - ( Hyphen )
 (d) _ (Underline )

(ii) Which of the following is not a keyword in c language
 (a) Getchar
 (b) Int
 (c) Void
 (d) Volatile

(iii) Which header file is designed for basic mathematical operation ?
 (a) Stdio.h
 (b) Dos.h
 (c) Math.h
 (d) Conio.h

(iv) What is the symbol used for conditional operator ?
 (a) ==
 (b) /
 (c) ?=
 (d) ? :

(v) What is the extension files by default for C program ?
 (a) ā€œ .docā€
 (b) ā€œ .pptā€
 (c) ā€œ .cā€
 (d) ā€œ .exeā€

(vi) The structure combines variable of ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦data type.
 (a) Similar
 (b) Variable
 (c) Dissimilar
 (d) None of these

(vii) Theā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..statement causes the loop to be terminated
 (a) Continue
 (b) Default
 (c) Break
 (d) Exit .

(viii) Which of the following is false in C
 (a) Variable name do not contain a blank space
 (b) Keyword can be used as variable names
 (c) Capital letters can be used in variable name .
 (d) Variable names can contain a digit .

(ix) Which of the following is the correct way of declaring a float pointer
 (a) float * ptr ;
 (b) *float ptr ;
 (c) float ptr;
 (d) None of the above

(x) Which committee standardize c programming language ?
 (a) ISO
 (b) TRAI
 (c) ANSI
 (d) W3C

(xi) Which of the following cannot be checked in a switch case statement ?
 (a) Float
 (b) Integer
 (c) Character
 (d) None of the above

(xii) Which one of the following is a bitwise operator ?
 (a) ==
 (b) =
 (c) <
 (d) <<

(xiii) Which one is the special operator ?
 (a) <<
 (b) ++
 (c) ? :
 (d) Size of ()

(xiv) Which of the following is example of call by value ?
 (a) Num (*a, *b)
 (b) Num (a,b)
 (c) Num (&a ,&b)
 (d) None of the above

(xv) Which is syntax of for loop ?
 (a) for(initialization; condition; increment / decrement )
 (b) for (increment ;expression; condition )
 (c) for (condition; expression; statement )
 (d) for (expression; condition; statement )

(xvi) How many element can be store in the array A[35] ?
 (a) 36
 (b) 37
 (c) 35
 (d) 34

(xvii) How many of bytes in memory required foe single character in computer
 (a) 8 bytes
 (b) 2 bytes
 (c) 4 bytes
 (d) 1 byte

(xviii) Which of the following is correct precedence order from higher to lower
 (a) ( ), <<, *, +
 (b) ( ), * ,<<,+
 (c) ( ),*,+,<<
 (d) *, <<, ( ),+

(xix) What is the value range of data type unsigned short int
 (a) -128 to 127
 (b) 0 to 255
 (c) 0 to 65535
 (d) 0 to 128

(xx) P++ is called ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ operator
(a) Decrement
(b) Post Decrement
(c) Post increment
(d) pre increment

Group B
āž„ Answer all Five Questions: - (5*4=20)

2. Define an algorithm. Write an algorithm to covert the temperature to Celsius.
Explain different types of programming languages.

3. Write a ā€˜Cā€™ program to find the biggest of given two numbers using conditional operator .
What is an operator ? Describe different type of operator used in ā€˜Cā€™ programming .

4. What is structure in c ? How structure is declared ?
What is pointer ? How a pointer variable is declared and initialize ?

5. Define the function with suitable examples.
What is Call by Value and Call by Reference ? Explain with suitable example .

6. Write a ā€˜Cā€™ program to find the biggest number in a given array .
Write a ā€˜Cā€™ program to input 20 students name and print them .

Group C
āž„ Answer all five question: - (5*6=30)

7. Write a ā€˜Cā€™ program to find the value of Y using y(x ,n)=1+x,when n=1
1+x/n, when n=2
, when n=3
, when n>3 or n<1 div="">
( by the help of nested if ) 
Write a ā€˜Cā€™ programs to print the following outputs using for loops.

5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2

8. Define the data types of C- language. How many data types are available in C language ?
If ages of Ram, Shyam and Ajay are input trough the keyboard . write a program to determine 
the youngest of the three .

9. If length of three , slide of a triangle are input through the keyboard , write a program to find the 
area of the triangle .
What is an array ? Write an algorithm to search an element from an array .

10. Define the switch statement with suitable example .
What is loop ? Define for loop with syntax and example .

11. Write a ā€˜Cā€™ program to find square root of quadratic equation .
What is token ? How many types of token are used in ā€˜Cā€™ language . Explain in detail.

āˆŽ By- Md Altaf Raja (CSE)

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