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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Operating system Question paper of 3rd Sem (2018)

Question bank of OS 
Sub Code- 1618305
2018 (Odd)
Time : 3Hrs
Sem. III / CSE 
       Operating system 
Full Marks : 70
 Pass marks : 28
 Group A 
1. Choose the most suitable answer from the following options: - (1*20=20)

(i) Which module gives control of the CPU to the process selected by the short-term scheduler?
(a) Dispatcher
(b) Interrupt
(c) Scheduler
(d) None of these

(ii) Which Scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that requests the CPU first?
 (a) First Come First Server(FCFS)
 (b) Shorted job
 (c) Priority
 (d) None of these

(ii) A Process Control Block(PCB) does not contain which of the following: -
(a) Program
(b) Stack
(c) Heap
(d) Boot strap program

(iv) File type can be represented as:-
 (a) File extension
 (b) File name
 (c) File identifier
 (d) (a) and (b) both

(v) Because of virtual memory, the memory can be shared among
 (a) Process
 (b) Threads
 (c) Instruction
 (d) None of these

(vi) Swap space exists in
 (a) CPU
 (b) Primary memory
 (c) Secondary memory
 (d) none of these

(vii) Effective access time is directly proportional to
 (a) Hit rate
 (b) Page-fault rate
 (c) Memory access time
 (d) None of these

(viii) Linux is:-
 (a) Single user, single tasking
 (b) Single user, multitasking
 (c) Multi user, multitasking
 (d) Multi user, single tasking

(ix) Which one of the following is deadlock avoidance algorithm
 (a) FCFS
 (b) Elevator algorithm
 (c) Banker's Algorithm
 (d) None of these

(x) Logical memory is broken into blocks of the size called_______
 (a) Pages
 (b) Frames
 (c) Backing store
 (d) None of these

(xi) The ………… is used as index into the page table
 (a) Page number
 (b) Frames
 (c) page Offset
 (d) Frame Offset

(xii) A monitor is type of____________
 (a) Semaphore
 (b) Low level synchronization constructor
 (c) High level synchronization constructor
 (d) none of these

(xiii) ………….. is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the user program
 (a) Operating system
 (b) System environment
 (c) Operating environment
 (d) none of these

(xiv) Operating system is an example of:-
 (a) System program
 (b) Window
 (c) Application program
 (d) None

(xv) Run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by:-
 (a) Memory management
 (b) CPU
 (c) PCB
 (d) PCI

(xvi) The…………….. register is read by the host to get input
 (a) Flow in
 (b) Flow out
 (c) Data in
 (d) Data out

(xvii) Illegal Address are trapped using the………………… bit.
 (a) Error
 (b) Protection
 (c) Valid-invalid
 (d) Access

(xviii) A system is in a safe state, only if there exits a:
 (a) Safe location
 (b) Safe resource
 (c) Safe sequence
 (d) All of these

(xix) A problem encountered in multitasking when a process is perpetually denied necessary
resources is called
 (a) Deadlock
 (b) Inversion
 (c) Starvation
 (d) Aging

(xx) If a process fails, most operating system write the error information to a:-
 (a) Log file
 (b) Another running process
 (c) New file
 (d) None of these

Group B 
➥ Answer all Five Questions: - (5*4=20)

2. What are the differences between Multitasking and Multi programming
 Define Operating system . List the objective of an operating system.

3. What is critical section problem ?
 What are the requirements that a solution the critical section must satisfy ?

 4. What are the advantage of virtual memory systems ?
Compare between internal or external fragmental ?

 5. Write short notes on device controller and driver .
 What are the necessary condition of deadlock situation?

 6. What are the design principles of LINUX system ?
 What are the type of Virtualization.

Group C 
➥ Answer all Five Questions: -(5*6=30)

7. What is a virtual memory ? Define the benefit of Virtual memory technique in detail .
 What is thrashing? What is the cause of Thrashing ? Also discuss how does the system
detect thrashing ,
 What can the system do to eliminate his problem .

8. Explain the resource-allocation-graph for deadlock avoidance in detail with suitable example .
 Discuss the criteria for evaluating the CPU scheduling algorithm ? why do we need it in
detail .

9. Consider the following page reference string strings : 1,2,3,4,2,1,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6
 how many page fault occurs for the optional page replacement algorithm . Assuming three frames
and all frames are initially empty .
 Consider the following page reference string : 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 for a memory with three frames.

 how many page fault would occurs for the following page replacement algorithm.Replacement

 (i) LRU (ii) FIFO (iii) OPTIMAL

10. Consider the following set of process with the length of CPU burst time in millisecond. ( the process are assumed to arrival time in order P1, P2 ,P3 ,P4,P5  and all at time 0.

How to provide protection to a file system? Explain detail

11. Explain in detail about the system administration of LINUX system and the requirement for LINUX system administration.
Explain in detail the designing principles, kernel model, process management, scheduling in LINUX system.

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